Meat Worker Edged in a Plastic Mummy Wrap

Stars: Dean Brody
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Added: 26th of January 2016 | Views: 2239 | Runtime: 00min 58sec | Category: Men On Edge

Dean Brody's minding his business at the meat factory when two pervy inspectors show up from "Oh-shuh," whatever the hell that is. They give the stud trouble everywhere they look, documenting numerous violations around the room. Inspector Darkholme has Inspector Keys detain Dean while they give his uniform and body a closer look. He tries to fight off Keys's pawing hands on his dick when Darkholme silences him with a bit gag. Though he feels invaded by the touch of the inspectors, his boner tells a different story. Soon, they have Dean immobile against the meat while they suck his thick cock to the edge again and again. They move Dean to the washing station and bring him to the tipping point of orgasm-- right before hosing down his dick with icy water. Keys and Darkholme put Dean on a swinging platform and start encasing him in plastic wrap. Dean moans in his tight mummified wrapping as he receives repeated edges. The inspectors tickle his vulnerable dick before encasing his entire body, including his raging boner, tied with twine up to the ceiling. Keys finally feels generous enough to let the poor meat handler blow his load, but not without a painful torment immediately after.